We have two classes at each grade level with a credentialed teacher and a full time instructional aide in each classroom. Our students receive a solid, well-rounded education both academically and spiritually.

Students have music class once every week where they learn rhythm, music theory, instrumental exploration and more. All students perform twice a year in the Christmas and Spring concerts.

Students have art class every week where they explore different mediums and learn about different famous artists.

Students have STEAM class every week where they have a chance to use their creativity to design, build and solve real-world problems. We use PLTW - Project Lead the Way as our curriculum.

Students have PE twice a week where they move their bodies, learn basic skills and participate in team building games and activities.

Students have Spanish class every week where they are introduced to the language through song, games and other fun activities.

Our elementary students are paired up with a Middle School student. They meet once a month and participate in an activity together whether it is reading together or playing a game.
Biblical Integration

Bi-weekly Chapels
Every other week our elementary students enjoy a time of worship and singing together followed by a short devotional where they can continue to learn who they are in Christ.

Bible Teaching
Our teachers teach from a biblical worldview, incorporating biblical teaching into their lessons. Students participate in prayer time, scripture memorization and bible lessons in class.

Giving Back
We value giving back to our community and find ways each year to serve others and financially give to outside non-profits.